got my prelim results back. showed it to my sis last night and oh boy did i get shit from her. she lectured me for like half an hour? i almost died. she went on and on about the past shit i did.. blah. and then said some comments about how im a christian and ive got a major attitude problem. blah blah. and then as usual, compared me to danny. said how alike we are and all.. said the both of us were the only ones who attended church regularly and this is how we end up to be. danny being a total slacker in life. blah blah. as usual, after all she said.. i cried myself to sleep and was too sleepy to wake up this morning for school.
tomorrow's my O level practical. goshhh. and i actually studied a little bit. -nods- drew some diagrams and all. amazing. i was actually in the studying mood. haha.
oh yes and my mom is so nice. :) she bought me a bose set for my room. yayy. will be getting it tomorrow. my sis ordered two yesterday. one for her room and one for my room. and i was THIS close to losing that bose set. after seeing my results last night, she went on and on about how i dont deserve that bose set in my room and how they would maybe put it in the living room till i actually am serious about studying. butttt. i've already got another bose set in the living room. and i called my mom today to make her promise me that i will get the bose set in my room tomorrow. my sis actually wanted to call and cancel my order. but thank god she already paid a deposit so.. no refunds! haha. but i've got a white bose set. boohoo. wanted the black one but my sis said white to match the one outside. ughh.
okay. im off to sleep. only need to go to school tomorrow at 915!! yayy!
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